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Why you need our Student Packs

We have a wide range of student packs based on you, the customer and the student. We wanted to give you the comfort of a high quality products at a reasonable cost. We also wanted to give you the opportunity to choose what price range best suits you. that is why we offer 3 different price points: Style, Luxury and elegance. We wanted to give you to have the control over the shop, but at the same time give us the hard work of putting your packs together. Moving out is hard, and moving in can be harder. We wanted to make sure you have everything you need for when you move into your new home. 

Not only do we categorise packs on price but we also make the shopping easier by separating them into rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen and Bathroom. As easy as 1, 2, 3. Pick your price range, pick your desired packs and add to cart. We will ship them straight to your door. 

Unlike other student companies, we are a student-run business so we know and understand what you're going through, help us help you! We want to give you everything a new student home needs. Move with ease, with us!

Enjoy the brands, the price and the comfort. Like a 5-star hotel you can jump into bed and relax with no worries that you've missed anything. We've got you covered!



